Marriage of M. to N.
Minister To Groom: M., Wilt thee have this Woman to thy wedded Wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thee love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?
[The Man shall answer,] I will.
Minister to Bride: N., Wilt thee have this Man to thy wedded Husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thee obey him, and serve him, love, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?
[The Woman shall answer,] I will.
Groom: I M., take thee N., to my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse,
for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part,
according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.
Bride: I N. take thee M. to my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse,
for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part,
according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.
Groom Giving The Ring: With this Ring I thee wed, with my Body I thee worship,
and with all my worldly goods I thee endow:
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen
1 comment:
C : 感情好像真的是最不值得投資的。
Posted by: charlie | July 26, 2006 01:03 AM
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